60165206505 / 60197273650
List of APDL
Ponderosa Callista (Phase 1)
Developer's License No.: 6866/10-2026/1365(R) (31/10/2019-30/10/2026)
Advertising Permit No.: 6866-16/06-2025/0653(N)-(L) (06/06/2023-05/06/2025)
Building Plan Approval No.: MBJB/U/2021/14/BGN/101/RP
Approving Authority: Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru
2 Storey Terrace Home 22’x70 ‘(Type A)
No. of unit: 79∙Price: RM850,900 (min) RM1,308,900 (max)
2 Storey Terrace Home with lower ground floor 22’x70’(Type B)
No. of unit: 44∙Price: RM1,071,9009(min) RM1,614,900(max)
15% discount for bumiputera lots
Ponderosa Callista (Phase 2)
Developer's License No.: 6866/10-2026/1365(R) (31/10/2019-30/10/2026)
Advertising Permit No.: 6866-17/10-2025/1100(N)-(L) (03/10/2023-02/10/2025)
Building Plan Approval No.: MBJB/U/2021/14/BGN/101/RP
Approving Authority: Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru
2 Storey Terrace Home 22’x70 ‘(Type A)
No. of unit: 49∙Price: RM877,900 (min) RM1,603,900 (max)
2 Storey Terrace Home with lower ground floor 22’x70’(Type B)
No. of unit: 41∙Price: RM1,110,9009(min) RM1,603,900(max)
15% discount for bumiputera lots